Friends of the Furness Railroad District
Welcome to the official home of Friends of the Furness Railroad District (FFRD). Since 2006, FFRD has been dedicated to preserving and promoting the historic and educational value of the Wilmington Station, now the Joseph R. Biden Jr. Amtrak Station. The District is comprised of the 4 mile long raised rail viaduct (1902-1908), the Pennsylvania Office Building (1905), the Wilmington Station (19808), and the Baltimore & Ohio Water Street Station (1887). The three buildings were designed by Philadelphia Architect Frank Furness. The viaduct, the Pennsylvania Station and Office Building are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
In keeping with our mission state of educating school age children and the adult population of the unique features of these structures, we have provided outreach events and programs consisting of the following:
Train Station Open House & Centennial Celebration including model railroad displays, tours & lectures. Design & installation of Wilmington Railroad Legacy Exhibit in the Station, B & O Railroad History Exhibit installed in the Water Street Station, co-sponsored a B & O History Exhibit in the Delaware Historical Society Museum.
Sponsored a student art project focusing on the station with all student artwork displayed on the train platform with identification of the participating schools. Enlisted the Archmere High School art class to assist in the design of a 20-page Student Activity Book. Lectures provided to various school classes.
Installed a Delaware State Historic Marker that identifies the District. Assisted the Williamson College of the Trades, Elwyn, PA, in receiving a National Register of Historic Places listing for
the 1890 campus designed by Frank Furness. Assisting Amtrak in installing a National Register Plaque.
Various local and national magazines and news articals about the District and Furness. The Student Activity book and tri-fold handout with printing by Amtrak.
28 lectures to date including Historical Societies, Universities, Business Groups and Public Schools
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